EV3 API Reference


Brick Display & Sound


ev3.brickLightOn(withColor: BrickLightColor, inMode: BrickLightMode)

ev3.display(text: String)

ev3.display(text: String, atX: Int, atY: Int, withColor: DisplayColor, withFont: DisplayFont, clearScreen: Bool)

ev3.displayCircle(centerX: Int, centerY: Int, withRadius: Float, withFill: Bool, withColor: DisplayColor, clearScreen: Bool)

ev3.displayImage(named: ImageName)

ev3.displayImage(named: ImageName, atX: Int, atY: Int, clearScreen: Bool)

ev3.displayLine(fromX: Int, fromY: Int, toX: Int, toY: Int, withColor: DisplayColor, clearScreen: Bool)

ev3.displayPoint(atX: Int, atY: Int, withColor: DisplayColor, clearScreen: Bool)

ev3.displayRectangle(atX: Int, atY: Int, length: Int, height: Int, withFill: Bool, withColor: DisplayColor, clearScreen: Bool)

ev3.playSound(file: SoundFile, atVolume: Float, withStyle: SoundStyle)

ev3.playSound(frequency: Float, forSeconds: Float, atVolume: Float)

ev3.playSound(frequency: Float, forSeconds: Float, atVolume: Float, waitForCompletion: Bool)

ev3.playSound(note: Note, forSeconds: Float, atVolume: Float)

ev3.playSound(note: Note, forSeconds: Float, atVolume: Float, waitForCompletion: Bool)


General Functions

ev3.waitFor(seconds: Float)

Gyro Sensor

ev3.measureGyroAngle(on: InputPort)

ev3.measureGyroRate(on: InputPort)

ev3.resetGyro(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForGyroRateChange(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForGyroAngleChange(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForGyroAngle(on: InputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForGyroAngle(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForGyroRate(on: InputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForGyroRate(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

Infrared Sensor

ev3.measureIRProximity(on: InputPort)

ev3.measureIRSeek(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForIRSeekChange(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForIRProximityChange(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForIRSeek(on: InputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForIRSeek(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForIRProximity(on: InputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForIRProximity(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

Color/Light Sensor

ev3.measureLightAmbient(on: InputPort)

ev3.measureLightColor(on: InputPort)

ev3.measureLightReflection(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForLightColor(on: InputPort, color: ColorValue)

ev3.waitForLightColorChange(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForLightAmbientChange(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForLightReflectionChange(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForLightAmbient(on: InputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForLightAmbient(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForLightReflection(on: InputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForLightReflection(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

Touch Sensor

ev3.measureTouch(on: InputPort)

ev3.measureTouchCount(on: InputPort)

ev3.resetTouchCount(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForTouch(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForTouchReleased(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForTouchCount(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)


ev3.measureUltrasonicCentimeters(on: InputPort)

ev3.measureUltrasonicInches(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForUltrasonicChange(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForUltrasonicDecrease(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForUltrasonicIncrease(on: InputPort)

ev3.waitForUltrasonicInches(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForUltrasonicInches(on: InputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForUltrasonicCentimeters(on: InputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForUltrasonicCentimeters(on: InputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

Motor Control

ev3.measureMotorDegrees(on: OutputPort)

ev3.measureMotorPower(on: OutputPort)

ev3.measureMotorRotations(on: OutputPort)

ev3.motorOff(on: OutputPort)

ev3.motorOff(on: OutputPort, brakeAtEnd: Bool)

ev3.motorOn(forDegrees: Float, on: OutputPort, withPower: Float)

ev3.motorOn(forDegrees: Float, on: OutputPort, withPower: Float, brakeAtEnd: Bool)

ev3.motorOn(forRotations: Float, on: OutputPort, withPower: Float)

ev3.motorOn(forRotations: Float, on: OutputPort, withPower: Float, brakeAtEnd: Bool)

ev3.motorOn(forSeconds: Float, on: OutputPort, withPower: Float)

ev3.motorOn(forSeconds: Float, on: OutputPort, withPower: Float, brakeAtEnd: Bool)

ev3.motorOn(on: OutputPort, withPower: Float)

ev3.move(forDegrees: Float, leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort, leftPower: Float, rightPower: Float)

ev3.move(forDegrees: Float, leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort, leftPower: Float, rightPower: Float, brakeAtEnd: Bool)

ev3.move(forRotations: Float, leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort, leftPower: Float, rightPower: Float)

ev3.move(forRotations: Float, leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort, leftPower: Float, rightPower: Float, brakeAtEnd: Bool)

ev3.move(forSeconds: Float, leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort, leftPower: Float, rightPower: Float)

ev3.move(forSeconds: Float, leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort, leftPower: Float, rightPower: Float, brakeAtEnd: Bool)

ev3.move(leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort, leftPower: Float, rightPower: Float)
ev3.resetMotor(on: OutputPort)

ev3.stopMove(leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort)

ev3.stopMove(leftPort: OutputPort, rightPort: OutputPort, withBrake: Bool)

ev3.waitForMotorDegreesChange(on: OutputPort)

ev3.waitForMotorRotationsChange(on: OutputPort)

ev3.waitForMotorPower(on: OutputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForMotorPower(on: OutputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForMotorDegrees(on: OutputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForMotorDegrees(on: OutputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForMotorRotations(on: OutputPort, lessThanOrEqualTo: Float)

ev3.waitForMotorRotations(on: OutputPort, greaterThanOrEqualTo: Float)

Brick Display & Sound


ev3.displayRectangle(atX: Int, atY: Int, length: Int, height: Int, withFill: Bool, withColor: DisplayColor, clearScreen: Bool)

Method for displaying a rectangle in a specific position, with a specific width, length, color, and fill, and possibly clearing the Display.


Clear the Display and show a long, filled, black rectangle in the top left of the Display:
ev3.displayRectangle(atX: 0, atY: 0, length: 80, height: 20, withFill: true, withColor: .black, clearSCreen: true


takes an Int in range 0 to 177 for the top horizontal position, starting from the left, of the top left corner of the rectangle

takes an Int 0 to 127 for the top vertical position, starting from the top, of the top left corner of the rectangle

takes an Int describing the length in pixels of the rectangle

takes an Int describing the height in pixels of the rectangle

takes a Bool with vlaue true if the rectangle should be filled

takes an input conforming to enum DisplayColor, either .white or .black

takes a Bool with value true if the Display should be cleared beforehand, and false otherwise


func displayRectangle(atX: Int, atY: Int, length: Int, height: Int, withFill: Bool, withColor: DisplayColor, clearScreen: Bool)


General Functions

ev3.waitFor(seconds: Float)

Method for waiting for a specific time.


Wait for 3 seconds:
ev3.waitFor(seconds: 3.0)


takes a Float specifying the time to wait for in seconds


func waitFor(seconds: Float)


Gyro Sensor


Infrared Sensor


Color/Light Sensor


Touch Sensor




Motor Control


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